Control the processes, not the people

Control the processes, not the people


Because when we have a good control over the processes we don`t need to control the people. With the implementation of different new technologies, it`s very easy to create good processes and to have good control over them. We have to keep in mind that when we are creating the processes we have to do it with our employees. Also, we have to review and update them during the time in order to keep them suitable for the work reality. If there is a delay, then you should review the process and see what is the reason causing this delay, then you can correct the process or creating a new one depending on the situation. And all this we have to do with our employees. It`s teamwork.

We need to give freedom and empower people in order to let them perform the work for which we hired them in the best possible way. As Steve Jobs said: “It doesn`t make sense to hire smart people and tell them what to do, we hire smart people so they can tell us what to do.”

And also it depends on what someone understands for undermanagement. For example, in accountancy, if you don`t have problems it`s a sign of well-performed work but most of the managers don`t understand it and don`t appreciate it till they don`t start to have problems and then realize that to not have problems is good work.

Regarding management, I prefer to talk about leadership management because this is the future of management and is lasting longer when you walk out of the room.

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