Fake growth



silence = growth

What is growth?

This is process in which each person can develop their unique potential, skills and expand its knowledge in order to have progress and success in their life on a personal and professional level.

What is fake growth?

Today we are witnessing a promotion of growth that contain setback, curved mirroring and accepting yourself the way some other people see us or want to see us with the promise of predefined by somebody else success for us at the end of the process. In other words growth that want you to fit in a predefined box by somebody else in most cases for their own benefit.

Today I will make observation of this topic and share some of the methods and practices used in the process of the fake growth.

What is behind the fake growth?


  1. Curved mirror – often is mixed with mirroring of the person combined with lies. This is a way to accept the lies which you wouldn`t agree or accept at first place or in normal situation.
  2. Mental abuse – toxic behavior, insulting, devaluation of the person. All the spectrum of mental abuse that lead to desired results of the oppressor.
  3. Gasligtening – these are activities that target to blurred your clear perception of reality, about yourself, skills, potential, situations and people around you.
  4. Drama triangle – it is formed by 3 type of participants: oppressor, savor and victim, and you are placed as victim. In this form of use of drama triangle often the oppressor and the savor act together or even can be one and the same person or organization. The target is to blur your reality, destroy your confidence or even you as a person in order to accept the terms and conditions of the savor predefined for you. This is the model of destroy and build back better looks like. And it is not made for your interest but for their interest and benefit in order to control and use each person the way it please them best.
  5. Silencing – can be made by banning you on every level of personal and professional life and also by corruption with the so called “success” they plan for you.

Target results

  1. Manipulation – beign able to manipulate the people activities and actions gives an army to execute your plans weather they are good or bad. Usually, good for those that perform and bad for the rest and manipulated ones.
  2. Control – the control over your decisions, activities, actions and life gives them another tool to perform their plan if the manipulation doesn`t work. You will be literally enforced by the created circumstances to perform what is planned or pre defined by them which in some cases can endanger your life as well.
  3. Decision Making on your behalf – by destroying your confidence they gain access to your decision making which opens the door for easier manipulation and control over you.
  4. Use of the people – by devaluating you and not appreciating your value they target to use your potential and value for free in order to increase the benefits for themselves while giving you crumbs for which you must be very thankful and happy.
  5. Avoid opposition – using silencing technics it is a very good way to avoid any possible opposition. Either there is no opposition because its banned and has no power or either it is corrupted and won`t question them at all. In both cases the target is there to be no witnesses and evidence of the performed abuse and criminal activities.

If you think this is not possible these are some real cases where the above methods were used:

It seems like somebody took the bad example of the those models and methods and use it over the people to manipulate and control the masses for their own benefit and power gain.

The results:

for the people

  1. Destroyed personal and professional lives.
  2. Cases of depression, suicides, mental and other illnesses.
  3. Lost benefits and profit from the stolen value.
  4. Blocked development of their unique potential.
  5. Lost time of their life that can`t be compensated.
  6. Breaking their human`s rights.

for the society

  1. Promoting wrong values in the society as corruption, abuse, full obedience and enslavement without questioning the bad activities and orders which literally is killing the democracy and the freedom.
  2. From 98% creative geniuses at the age of 4-5 years old only 2% remain creative geniuses at the age of 31 years old. This leads to missed profits and solutions of our problems for the society due to lack of the realization of 96% of the human`s creative potential.

What you need to remember ?

  1. Such activities are illegal.
  2. They break your human`s right.
  3. They break the Nuremberg Code.
  4. They break the applicable laws in your country for your case.

What you can do to protect yourself and your mental health?

  1. Follow a journey or list of your activities.
  2. Collect evidences.
  3. Too much coincidences is not a coincidence.
  4. Contact the police, a lawyer or the respective authorities when you have evidence. 
  5. Remember in such cases there is nothing wrong with you.
  6. Make a personal SWOT analysis to keep a clear vision of your abilities and who you are. You can see more here Personal SWOT analysis
  7. Speak about your experience with friends, family, share on social medias or make a blog about it. 
  8. Contact a coach that understand situation you are in. In some cases coaching practices are used to enforce the manipulation and gasligtening over the people.